Auth for Fintech

Streamline & secure your app with modern auth tools

Choose the ideal building blocks to reduce friction for your customers at signup and login. Improve user conversion and retention, while protecting accounts and funds from attack.

Trusted by leading Fintechs to improve security & user experience

spent per year on helpdesk interventions involving password resets.
12 mins
how long the average user spends resetting passwords every week.
total losses from account takeover fraud in 2020.
Comun logo logo

Keep your customers’ data hidden from wandering eyes

Consumer Fintech has become one of the most attractive areas for attackers. Reduce your attack surface and protect your customers’ funds and payments with passwordless authentication.

Get started in minutes, not months

Don't waste dev cycles building out bespoke user authentication flows. Let us focus on authentication, so you can focus on your product.

Flexible SDKs to suit your brand

Build your user authentication on web and mobile with our fully flexible SDKs — opt for full customization with our Javascript SDK or drop in UI components that are tailored to your colors, fonts, and logo.

of consumers say biometrics have made their lives easier.

of hacks are due to stolen credentials.

of people reuse the same passwords and credentials.
Email magic links wand

Turn prospects into customers with Magic Links

Embed one-click authentication in your comms, and improve conversion from email and SMS marketing campaigns. Magic Link tokens can be embedded into CTAs, making it easy for your users to jump into your app without having to authenticate — they’ll already be logged in.

We take your security & privacy seriously

Stytch is certified to the highest industry standards with a full third-party SOC2 Type II audit — protecting you and your customer's privacy.

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